cell phones!

10 unusual facts about cell phones!


1. The very first call made from a cell phone was made in 1973 by Martin Cooper , an engineer at Motorola . 10 years later, the first mobile phone is offered on the American market. Selling price: around .

2. The first portable cell phone weighed just under 2 kilos and measured 22.8 cm in height by 12.7 cm in width and 4.4 cm in thickness. Its name: the DynaTAC 8000x (” Dynamic Adaptive Total Area Coverage released on March 6, 1983

3. For reference, the iPhone 6 measures 13.8 cm in height by 6.7 cm in width and 0.27 cm in thickness. It weighs only 129 grams. This first portable cell phone had 20 minutes of talk time for a total charge time of 10 hours. But as Martin Cooper said, “It wasn’t really a big deal because you couldn’t hold the phone to your ear that long!”

4. Your mobile phone offers more computing power than the computers used for the Apollo 11 moon laning . The technology behind smartphones is based on more than 250,000 separate patents.

5. In 2012, Apple was selling 340,000 iPhones a day . Since then, smartphones under Android have nibbled away at the supremacy of the apple brand even if the latter continues to record record profits. In 2015, the firm owns the cash equivalent of the GDP of Qatar or Portugal .

6. The surface of a smartphone has 18 times more bacteria than a toilet handle ! For what ? Because you touch everything and then check your phone afterwards. On average, a person unlocks their smartphone about 110 times every day .

7. Scientists have developed a way to charge mobile phones using urine . During the tests, the researchers left the device on charge for an entire 24 hours. This remains on for just under half an hour and enabled a call to be made for 6 minutes and 30 seconds. There is still work to do, but it’s promising!

In the USA, 47% of smartphone owners say they “cannot live without their smartphones8. More people in the world own mobile phones than toilets.

The iPhone 5 Black Diamond is the most expensive phone in the world with a tariff of 15 million dollars (13,650,000 It takes no less than 9 weeks to integrate its 135 grams of 24 carat gold and stuff its frame with 600 white diamonds .

Over a trillion This is the number of text messages sent in 2013. This equates to approximately 1200 text messages per person each year globally. However, this mode of communication is beginning to decline as side applications ( WhatsApp , iMessage, etc.) are gaining momentum. And it’s also quite small compared to the number of emails sent per year, estimated at more than 100 trillion . That makes it SPAM !

Gradually, they became miniaturized, democratized (for the prices, on the other hand, some efforts still needed to be made!)… until they turned into an extension of ourselves to be kept always close to you, warm in a poached.

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